The Wandering Inn Wiki

Snow Golems are a type of Golems made of enchanted snow.


Snow Golems can range in shape and size, from the classic small snowman, to a hill-sized squat, vaguely pyramidal horror with long arms, a size of two hundred and sixty feet high and wide.


Snow Golems are being created if someone builds a snowman but forgets the most important thing: clothes. Unprotected from the external sources, magic enters the snowman and makes it come to life. [1]As they consist almost solely out of snow, they are practically invisible in a snow filled area, making it very easy for them to catch their prey off-guard.[2]

Snow Golems can be found anywhere, during winter.

If a giant Snow Golems finds a city or village, it would have to be slain quickly or lured away. Otherwise the city would be destroyed.[3]

Powers and Abilities

Of all the Golem species, small Snow Golems are the weakest. Even Mud Golems or Sand Golems are stronger than them. Unless they were made really ambitious, all they could do was smack you with their twig arms or throw snow mixed with ice and bits of rock. They could hit hard enough to draw blood, but they were just snow. Hardly a threat unless they smothered their opponents.

Only hill-sized ones are to be avoided at all costs. Giant Snow Golems weren’t too dangerous, unless someone happened to walk past one while it wasn’t moving. Then the Snow Golem would grab and swallow them whole. The stones, shards of ice, and crushing pressure of the Golem’s body would grind them into paste quite quickly.

At a Distance, though, all a giant Snow Golem could do was hurl part of itself at their opponents. That was a concern with such a huge one, but they had terrible aim.[4]


To kill a Snow Golem, one has to destroy their brain, a core of beautifully white and cold snow, located in the center of their heads. If the Snow Golem was successfully destroyed, it falls apart into a small mountain of snow.[5]

Another weakness of a Snow Golem, aside from fire, is that they are slow and giant Snow Golems have terrible aim.


  • Although the icy brains of the Snow Golems aren't capable of much thought, they still can sense trouble and feel regret.[6]
  • In the Winter, Snow Golems could get very big very fast.[7]
  • Snow Golems are usually one of the few monsters Goblins didn’t fear.[8]
  • Hawk, someone who can single handedly kill Crypt Lords, is wary of giant Snow Golems.[9]
  • Corusdeer are their natural enemies, as they love killing them.[10]

